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Wednesday 16 May 2012

Reduces Symptoms Of Multiple Sclerosis - Smoking cannabis

A clinical trial conducted in 30 patients with adult multiple sclerosis (MS), conducted by the University of California, San Diego found that smoking cannabis is an effective treatment of a common and spasms can be crippling neurological symptom of this disease. Placebo-controlled study, also led to a decreased perception of pain, although participants also cognitive adverse effects reported in the short term, and increased fatigue. The study is published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

Jody Corey-Bloom, principal investigator, Professor of neuroscience and Director of the Center for multiple sclerosis at the University of California, San Diego and his staff distributed randomly in two groups of participants; in one of them, members of smoked cannabis once a day, three days, and in the control group, identical placebo cigarettes she smoked even once per day for three days. After a period of 11 days the participants changed their group.

Corey-Bloom says "look that smoking of cannabis versus placebo in reducing the symptoms of broken and pain in patients with treatment resistant spasms, muscle contractions, or excessive. The previous report already has proposed that the active components of medical marijuana effective potential in the treatment of neurological diseases, but most of the studies focused on cannabinoids are administered orally.

However, this study used a measuring objective, modified Ash worth, in which is described as the intensity of muscle tone of the measurement scale, among other things, the resistance in the range of motion and stiffness.Secondary outcomes, pain was measured using a Visual analogue scale. Researchers also studied the cognitive function and physical performance (with a timed ride), and asked to evaluate their patients feeling read more about health reviews.

Although he was usually well tolerated, had small-smoking cannabis effect on attention and concentration. The researchers noted that more comprehensive studies and long term are needed to confirm their findings, and to determine whether lower doses with more cognitive effect can lead to beneficial effects.The trial is the fifth trial on efficiency potential of cannabis for clinical use, reported by the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CICM) at the University of California. The other four studies in humans, in the fight against neuropathic pain also reported positive results.